“Star Trek: Voyager: 9 Invasion Book 4: The Final Fury” Review by Deepspacespines.com

Deepspacespines.com has added a new review for ‘s “Star Trek: Voyager: 9 Invasion Book 4: The Final Fury”:

In today’s episode, when Voyager stumbles upon the Fury homeworld, they also discover the galaxy’s largest gas-siphoning operation. But there isn’t much time to crack the Furies’ endgame, and Voyager’s only source of intel is nuttier than a squirrel turd. How are Tuvok’s students getting along? Is it even possible to make a dent in the Furies’ operation? And since when is Neelix the paragon of calm, cool, and collected? All this and more in The Final Fury, the book that really socks it to those pesky combadges.

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Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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