We told you about 35 books that were published this year, and 345 reviews from these great sites:
- www.dailystartreknews.com
- borg.com
- www.startrekbookclub.com
- www.trekbbs.com
- www.womenatwarp.com
- trekcentral.net
- trekmovie.com
- positivelytrek.libsyn.com
- blog.trekcore.com
- scifibulletin.com
- treknews.net
- www.trek.fm
- lessaccurategrandmother.blogspot.com
- trekclivos79.blogspot.com
- www.flickeringmyth.com
- booknest.eu
- continuingmissionsta.com
- redshirtsalwaysdie.com
- taylornetworkofpodcasts.com
- warpfactortrek.com
- www.spreaker.com
- treksphere.com
- www.myconfinedspace.com
- locusmag.com
- www.motionpicturescomics.com
- www.space.com
- www.cdanabbott.com
- thefutureoftheforce.com
- www.blogtalkradio.com
- www.metafilter.com
- scifichick.com
- www.treklit.com
In the year 2021 there were 643 posts!