New Book Added: “Star Trek Story Telling: From The Original Series to Star Trek: Picard: Do You Have What it Takes to Write in the Roddenberry Universe?”

Star Trek Story Telling: From The Original Series to Star Trek: Picard: Do You Have What it Takes to Write in the Roddenberry Universe? by has been added to the site!

Gene Roddenberry may have created Star Trek, but he relied heavily on others who understood how to write science fiction stories for television. Gene surrounded himself with brilliant men and women, several of which were science fiction legends, such as Harlan Ellison and Theodore Sturgeon, who were also great storytellers. Among the most important people on staff from the start were D.C. Fontana, Gene L. Coons, and others who helped shape the future of the iconic franchise to what is today: a juggernaut that produces nuanced stories about humanity rather than mere explosive space battles or heroic leaders defeating evil villains.

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Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

2 thoughts on “New Book Added: “Star Trek Story Telling: From The Original Series to Star Trek: Picard: Do You Have What it Takes to Write in the Roddenberry Universe?”

  1. Hi Friends:

    Thank you so much for listing my newest Kindle book in your book club.

    I believe your readers should like it, too. The book itself is a mix of a behind-the-scenes look at what the best writers have done so well in Star Trek storytelling, how freelance writers have made their mark in the franchise and a tutorial on how to write your own non-fiction book.

    Best of health and luck in 2022, Trekkers!

    Live long and prosper,

    Dr. Joe

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