Author John Jackson Miller Announces “pages with maps” in ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: The High Country’

John Jackson Miller has announced on the TrekBBS forum that the upcoming release of the first “Strange New Wolds” book “The High Country” will include various pages with maps:

It’s my birthday, and my gift is to you: news! When I heard last April that my Strange New Worlds novel was delayed til this February due to supply chain issues, it was a bad day. Then I realized we could use the time to add something fun. And we did. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The High Country, releasing Feb. 21 from Gallery Books, has pages with maps!

The novel takes place on a single VERY strange new world, where Pike and crew are cut off from technology; they rely on maps generated by the locals. And now you’ll see them, too! I’d already drawn up my own maps of High Country’s action; from there, my pal, game designer James Mishler helped me winnow them down into what we used. We included maps in three different styles, reflective of how the locals see their world; and a tryptych follows the action.

The folks at Gallery and Paramount helped make the maps happen for the book — and and after Trek narrators Robert Petkoff (who narrates the audiobook) and January LaVoy suggested to me it was possible to include the maps as a supplemental PDF with audiobook purchases, S&S is making that happen, too. Everyone can follow along!

I don’t know if it’s the first Trek novel to have maps — I’m just glad we’ve got ’em. This strange new world is real to me, and I want it to be to everyone. Best birthday gift I can get is a lot of preorders (I have a page with links here) — let’s get this book to open big!

Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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