“Star Trek: The Picard Legacy Collection” comes with an updated book

Movie and TV collections are great, I have a few of them myself (I just bought the complete Voyager DVD for $60 from a guy on Facebook), but they’re usually well outside the purview of the STBC because I try to keep an offensively narrow focus on having just printed materials here, so no talking about DVD sets or that new IOB copy of Star Trek: The Interactive Technical Manual that I have on my shelf.

That is unless the book gods smile down on us and decide to include a printed book in the materials!  StarTrek.com has announced a series of soon to be released collections of movie media that all involve Jean Luc Picard:

Star Trek: Picard – The Final Season (September 5, 2023)

Star Trek: Picard – The Complete Series (September 5, 2023)

Star Trek: The Picard Legacy Collection (October 17, 2023)

This final one is going to include an updated and expanded copy of “The Wisdom of Picard: An Official Star Trek Collection” by .  It’s also going to include bluerays of Star Trek: The Next Generation Seasons 1-7, Star Trek: Picard Seasons 1-3, Star Trek GenerationsStar Trek: First ContactStar Trek: Insurrection, and Star Trek Nemesis, but again, we’re not here to talk about those things.  The book is going to feature some new cover art and include quotes from the entirety of the “Star Trek: Picard” series, so for those of you out there that are completionist about your Trek collection, there’s no doubt this collection is going to cost a pretty penny, but no price for the “Legacy” collection has been announced yet.

Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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