“Star Trek Nerd Search: Quibbles with Tribbles” Review by Thefutureoftheforce.com

Thefutureoftheforce.com has added a new review for ‘s “Star Trek Nerd Search: Quibbles with Tribbles”:

Say what you like about the ‘Nerd Search’ books, there’s one thing you can’t dispute. That they are at the very least, entertaining, amusing, informative, and taxing for the little grey brain cells. Of course, it helps if you are a complete geek on whatever franchise the particular book is based on but regardless of this, you can have so much fun with them. And so it goes with ‘Star Trek: Quibbles With Tribbles‘. Now, I’m a huge ‘Star Trek‘ fan and yes, I DO actually own a few Tribbles (stuffed toys that squeak when squeezed, of course!) in my collection but I have to admit, even I struggled to find everything wrong inside the pages. And that infuriated me and entertained me in almost equal measures. But that is what makes the book so enjoyable. It is designed to make the reader think, study, and discover everything, and even if you don’t find everything the first time, you can put it down for a few days, think it over and then try again, clean.

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Adam Selvidge
Author: Adam Selvidge

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