J.K. Woodward
Website | Blue Sky | Facebook | Instagram | Memory Alpha | TwitterJ.K. Woodward started his professional comics career in 2003 when he collaborated with A. David Lewis on the indie comic Mortal Coils and Michael Colbert on the Digital Webbing Presents series Crazy Mary where he still does covers. IDW noticed his work on Crazy Mary and offered him a gig doing a CSI:NY limited series and he followed in short order with a standout story in BOOM! Studios’ Zombie Tales series. When Peter David was re-launching his creaotor owned series Fallen Angel at IDW, James was a natural choice for Peter’s dark world of magic, violence and redemption. His painted work eventually caught the attention of Marvel editor, Mike Marts(now an editor at DC Comics) who chose him to illustrate X-men Origins:The Beast which was released September 2008. He recently relocated from Long Island City in Queens, NY to Long Beach, CA and still illustrates Peter David’s Fallen Angel as a reoccurring miniseries for IDW as well as various other work for IDW and BOOM! Studios.His last sequential art project was the Star Trek/Doctor Who crossover, Assimilation2 and he is currently handling the art for Harlan Ellison’s City on the Edge of Forever.