Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
ISBN-10: 0671014323
ISBN-13: 978-0671014322
Length: 128
Published On: 1997-12-01
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Geordi LaForge has been given the chance of his lifetime! He’s been chosen to join the training vessel Benjamin Franklin as assistant engineer, an opportunity rarely given to plebes. Geordi is determined to live up to Commander Sanchez’s expectations. Their mission is to chart a neglected sector of the asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. That night, Sanchez calls up s history of the old starship and Ben’s first commander, the heroic Ike Ikushima, who died saving his crew from disaster. The next night Geordi sees Ikushima’s ghost, arm raised, pointing directly at him! When he tells Sanchez, everyone begins to doubt Geordi’s reliability…until the ghost reappears, pointing a warning finger at them all!
What does it mean? Is the ship haunted? Is it an alien invasion? The cadets are about to make history themselves–if they escape with their lives!