Star Trek: The Next Generation: Starfleet Academy: 14 Deceptions

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ISBN-10: 0671017233
ISBN-13: 978-0671017231
Length: 128
Published On: 1998-04-01

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Barely three months into his program at Starfleet Academy, Cadet Data is sent to the planet Arunu as part of a class research team investigating ancient ruins. The android is fascinated by the dead planet and its effect on his fellow cadets. All the newcomers — except Data and the unemotional, pragmatic Dyrondites — are experiencing the jitters as they approach the artifacts of a culture based purely on emotion. There is a lesson here for each of them. But it is Data who will be put to the test…

Suddenly the communications system breaks down and they’re trapped in Arunu. It’s sabotage! Someone has discovered the ultimate weapon and plans to leave no witnesses behind. Data must use his relentless logic to infiltrate the enemy and save his friends before it’s too late!

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