Eaglemoss Graphic Novel Collection #129: Star Trek: Uchu

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Published On: 2020-09-10

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Tokyopop’s third Star Trek manga digest, Uchu (“Universe”), presents four stories based on The Original Series, including tales contributed by Wil “Wesley Crusher” Wheaton, tribble creator David Gerrold, Luis Reyes, and Nathanial Bowden. Empathic teddy bears cause havoc on the Enterprise. Kirk and a Klingon officer stand trial for failing to follow procedures during a time of war. A nuclear reactor explosion leaves many dead or injured, with Spock commanding the Enterprise. And Kirk’s crew initiates first contact with a warp-capable planet, only to discover the culture isn’t quite what it seems.

As a bonus, this volume includes a rare comic from Brazil. In 1976, Editora Abril published seven issues translating Gold Key Trek tales into Portuguese under the title Jornada Nas Estrelas. Five issues solely contained translated Gold Key stories, but the other two also contained an original tale, making them among the rarest licensed Trek comics to feature exclusive material. Titled “O Exilado” (“The Exile”), issue #4—the other issue will be presented in a future volume—sees the Enterprise buffeted with “mental waves” as the crew discovers an injured woman pregnant with a most unusual child. This trippy tale would have been right at home in the actual Gold Key line.

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