Eaglemoss Graphic Novel Collection #130: Star Trek: A Piece of Reaction

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Published On: 2020-09-17

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No matter how many Star Trek TV shows air, James Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, and their respective Enterprise crews will always be among the franchise’s most beloved characters. As the stars of the inaugural Trek series, Kirk and company hold a special place in fans’ hearts, while as the first cast to follow in their footsteps, Picard’s crew have a guaranteed place alongside them. In the 1990s, Marvel Comics celebrated both shows in an ongoing comic book titled Star Trek Unlimited.

This volume collects the final four Unlimited issues, written by series regulars Dan Abnett and Ian Edginton, as well as guest scribes Michael Martin and Andy Mangels. Edginton and Abnett bring back fan-favorites Q and Trelane for a friendly wager, with Kirk and Picard as playing pieces in their game. Mangels and Martin, meanwhile, revisit the hilarious Chicago gangster-themed episode, “A Piece of the Action.”

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