Eaglemoss Graphic Novel Collection #134: Star Trek: The Return of the Worthy

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Published On: 2020-10-15

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Peter David’s tenure on DC’s Star Trek line concluded with issues #13–15, which paid homage to Irwin Allen’s Lost in Space. Bill Mumy, who’d portrayed Will Robinson on that show, co-wrote “The Return of the Worthy.” The titular Worthy are drawn to resemble the Robinsons and have a robot protector and a saucer-shaped spaceship, with one cover featuring the TV robot’s frequent warning, “Danger! Danger!” Next, Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski contributed the script to issue #16, and one can see the seeds of that landmark show in his approach to Star Trek. These four issues feature artwork by James Fry, Gordon Purcell, and Arne Starr, with covers by Jerome K. Moore.

In addition, this volume collects IDW’s Star Trek: Infestation, from Scott and David Tipton, part of a massive crossover event that separately involved characters from Ghostbusters, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Zombies Vs. Robots, CVO: Covert Vampiric Operations, and Bolt Creative’s Pocket God game. A zombie invasion spans multiple universes, affecting the casts of each franchise. In the Star Trek miniseries, set sometime after The Motion Picture, the Enterprise crew must battle the undead.


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