Format: Comic Book: Hardcover
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
Diamond Distributing Code: n/a
Published On: 2020-11-19
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Howard Weinstein’s Trek tales for DC continue with issues #22-26, illustrated by Gordon Purcell, Arne Starr, and Carlos Garzon, in which Harry Mudd pulls one last scam before retiring. The banter between James Kirk and Harry calls back their onscreen exchanges, tempered by both men having grown older, wiser (even Harry), and wearier. This storyline concludes in volume 64, in which issues #27-31 of the 1989 comic line were inadvertently reprinted instead of those from DC’s first Trekseries. Now readers can finally learn what led up to that book’s events.
This volume also collects DC’s Star Trek Annual #2, from Peter David, set during Kirk’s Academy days. Jim befriends Gary Mitchell and Lee Kelso (“Where No Man Has Gone Before”), is hazed by Finnegan (“Shore Leave”), meets Matt Decker (“The Doomsday Machine”) and Ben Finney (“Court-Martial”), and takes the Kobayashi Maru test (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khanand Star Trek [2009]). Plus, writer Steven H. Wilson shares unpublished tales he’d created for DC, including Captain Sulu Adventures and Star Trek: Resolution.