Eaglemoss Graphic Novel Collection #84: DC Star Trek: TOS: The Corbomite Effect!

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Published On: 2019-10-31

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A mischievous gremlin, a vengeful serpent god, and a shore leave gone awry—it’s just another week for the U.S.S. Enterprise crew.

DC Comics’ first monthly Star Trek comic book, set between the classic crew’s movie adventures, presented some of the franchise’s finest tales. This volume reprints issues #42-46, written by Michael Carlin, with art by Tom Sutton and Ricardo Villagran.

When the Enterprise suffers mysterious glitches, Montgomery Scott grows convinced a gremlin is to blame. The starship then returns to Gamma Trianguli VI, where a mistake from Kirk’s past catches up with the captain—and it only gets worse during shore leave, when another past adversary comes back to haunt him.

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