Eaglemoss Graphic Novel Collection Special Edition #4: Star Trek: Alien Spotlight – Volume 1

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Published On: 2018-01-29

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In the vast Star Trek universe populated by thriving alien cultures, and now they finally get their due! Their complex societies and beliefs provide a diversity of thought and philosophy, creating the very texture of STAR TREK’s narrative.

In the six short stories collected in this book, different creative teams explore six alien species: the Gorn, Vulcans, Andorians, Orions, the Borg, and Romulans. Artists include STAR TREK veteran John Byrne, and the stories feature guest stars like Kirk, Spock, and Pike.

Set during the original series and The Next Generation, these stories evoke the classic era of STAR TREK while also adding more depth to the well-known characters and their background.

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