Format: Comic Book: Hardcover
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
Diamond Distributing Code: n/a
Published On: 2018-09-27
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STAR TREK/GREEN LANTERN, VOL. 1 was a top-selling title in 2016 and the exciting story continues in this collection! The galaxy-spanning crossover epic continues in this sequel to the blockbuster STAR TREK/GREEN LANTERN- THE SPECTRUM WAR ! Captain Kirk and Hal Jordan lead the combined might of Starfleet and the Lantern Corps on an all-new adventure against new foes! Now that Hal Jordan and the Lanterns have been integrated into Starfleet, they face a new threat against the universe. Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise join them in the fight against an unlikely new bearer of the Red Ring — Khan!