Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Anima Books
ISBN-10: 0890120102
ISBN-13: 978-0890120101
Length: 157
Published On: 1997-06-01
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Why did Star Trek spawn an entire subculture of “trekkies” with their own conventions, publications and lifestyle? Why now, years after the series was produced, do the reruns continue to enchant a new and different generation? Karin Blair explores our inner space for the answers and returns from the journey with fresh and original insights. Using specific episodes as examples, she shows the personal relevancy Star Trek has for us, how Spock, Kirk, McCoy and the others reflect our fears, dreams and aspirations. She calls Star Trek a modern myth and demonstrates why we are all travelers aboard the Enterprise, aliens in time and space, seeking a new land within and outside ourselves in a troubled world.
Contents include:
- The Preface
- In Celebration of the Alien
- The Archetypal Enterprise
- McCoy: Distillation of the Past
- Spock: Catalyst for the Future
- Kirk: Solution for the Present
- Inner Dualities
- Outer Oppositions
- The Disposable Female
- The Monstrous Mother
- We Are All Spock
- The Archetypal as Enterprise
- Index of Episodes
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