Narratives from the Final Frontier: A Postcolonial Reading of the Original Star Trek Series

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On The Cover: ISBN-10: 3631367791
ISBN-13: 978-3631367797
Length: 161
Published On: 2000-10-05

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Narratives links the currently most popular Literary/Cultural Theory with one of the most successful television productions of all times. The brief opening chapter gives a very concise introduction to the central concepts of postcolonial theory and the methodological background of this subversive reading of Star Trek. A mythology results, which poses the question: does popular culture rest on the same hegemonic discoursive practices as the elitist canon? The book yields compelling insights about the ideological deep-structure of modern mass media by reading the original Star Trek series against the grain instead of taking (post)modern-style entertainment at face value. The blending of Star Trek’s narratives and Western historical, political and social reality results in a unique view of the potential for controversy in the opposition of individual perspectives and the claim of ideological value-systems to universal truth(s).

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