Star Trek Adventures: Beta Quadrant Sourcebook

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On The Cover: ISBN-10: 1910132918
ISBN-13: 978-1910132913
Length: 127
Published On: 2018-08-01

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You judge yourselves against the pitiful adversaries you’ve encountered so far: the Romulans, the Klingons…they’re nothing compared to what’s waiting. The Beta Quadrant sourcebook provides Game Masters and Players with a wealth of source material about the Galaxy of Star Trek.

The Beta Quadrant sourcebook provides Gamemasters and Players with a wealth of source material about the Galaxy of Star Trek. Focused on the Beta Quadrant, this 128 page hardback sourcebook contains:

  • Information on the Federation’s presence in the Beta Quadrant, including the homeworlds of Andoria, Earth, and Vulcan.
  • Material about the Klingon Empire and its history, including information on its core words of Qo’noS, Boreth, Khitomer, and Rura Penthe.
  • Information from the Romulan Star Empire on their history and politics, and information about their worlds Romulus and Remus.
  • A host of new Federation species to choose from during character creation, including Benzite, Bolians, Efrosians, and Klingons.
  • A selection of alien starships, from the Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Gorn Hegemony, Orion Syndicate, and civilian craft.
  • Guidance for the Gamemaster on running missions and continuing voyages in the Beta Quadrant, with a selection of new Non-Player Characters to enhance encounters.

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