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Klingons and Cardassians rule the Alpha Quadrant in an uneasy alliance that hides a viper’s nest of backstabbing plots and counterplots. Annika Hansen has become a trained operative for the Obsidian Order. Her latest target: Kira Nerys, the duplicitous Intendant of Bajor, whose ruthless ambition has brought her to a position of power second only to the Regent himself, the fierce Klingon warrior known as Worf. To get close to her prey, Annika must worm her way into the Intendant’s notoriously fickle affections. Easy enough to accomplish, perhaps, but it remains to be seen who is truly manipulating whom….
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Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
ISBN-10: 0671787853
ISBN-13: 978-0671787851
Length: 232
Published On: 2001-01-01