Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Dog of War TPB

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On The Cover: Diamond Distributing Code: DEC231106
Published On: 2024-02-14
MSRP: 19.99 USD

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Don’t miss out on this exclusive “lost episode” celebrating the 30th anniversary of the fan-favorite show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine!

An extremely rare purebred corgi from Earth makes its way aboard Deep Space 9 when Quark cuts a deal to procure it for a high buyer. After all, a Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all! But Latinum the corgi comes with unexpected cargo that shakes Captain Benjamin Sisko to the core: a Borg component discovered by a crew sent to uncover Cardassian technology after the station’s reoccupation.

Brought to you by acclaimed author Mike Chen (Star Wars: Brotherhood, Here and Now and Then) and Star Trek comics artist extraordinaire Angel Hernandez (Star Trek: Picard-Stargazer, Star Trek: Discovery-Adventures in the 32nd Century)! Collects the entire mini-series.

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