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Almost a century ago, Captain James T. Kirk and the crew of the “Starship Enterprise” TM first encountered the irresistible (and astonishingly prolific) life-form known as the tribblesTM, resulting in one of the most unusual adventures in the annals of Starfleet. Now Captain Benjamin Sisko and the crew of the “Defiant” are transported back in time to that historic ocassion, where Darvin, a devious Klingon spy, plots revenge against Captain Kirk. Using the seemingly harmless tribbles, Darvin attempts to destroy Kirk – but for the misplaced residents of “Deep Space Nine” TM, saving the original “Enterprise” will be nothing but “tribble.” This book also features an introduction written by David Gerrold, the author of the “Trouble with the Tribbles” TOS script.
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Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
On The Cover: ISBN-10: 0671009028
ISBN-13: 978-0671009021
Length: 180
Published On: 1996-12-01