Format: Magazine
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
Published On: 2019-07-31
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The Star Trek Discovery Official Starship Collection features one of two Engle-class ships that took part in the Battle at the Binary Stars in 2256, U.S.S. T’Plana-Hath! This starship was named for both the Vulcan philosopher and the first Vulcan ship to make contact with Earth openly.
The ship that became the T’Plana-Hath was briefly considered as a possible design for the U.S.S. Discovery and then the Shenzhou before being reimagined as one of the fleet ships. It was a very compact shape that it’s designer John Eaves says had a lot in common with the U.S.S.Shran. This beautiful, detailed die-cast starship captures the ships flat-shaped saucer with two long nacelles running through it.
U.S.S. T’Plana-Hath comes with a 16-page full-color magazine. We look into the detail of the design process of U.S.S. T’Plana-Hath with the original concept sketches, as well as profiling the ship’s adventures, and it’s history.