Star Trek: Discovery- The Official Starships Collection #18 Klingon Raider

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Published On: 2019-08-24

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Stowed onboard larger craft forshort-range raiding missions, these small fighters had just enough room for a pilot and a gunner in a cramped cockpit. Yet despite their size, <strong>Klingon Raiders</strong> played a major part in the Klingon war effort.

This Star Trek die-cast model ship captures the <strong>Klingon Raiders</strong> organic insectoid look with stunning surface detail and ridges so it feels more Klingon as Dickenson wanted. Its intricate golden wings opened ready to take flight into your collection.

<strong>Klingon Raider</strong> comes with a 16-page full-color magazine. We look into the detail of the design process of Klingon Raider with Dickenson’s original concept sketches, as well as profiling the ship’s adventures, and it’s history.

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