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The first original novel based on Enterprise, the brand new Star Trek television series. An original adventure starring Captain Jonathan Archer and the crew of the very first USS Enterprise: Chief Engineer ‘Trip’ Tucker III, Chief Medical Officer Dr. Phlox, Science Officer T’Pol, Communications Officer Hoshi Sato, Tactical Officer Malcolm Reed and Helmsman Travis Mayweather. In their first few weeks in space, Captain Archer and his crew have already discovered several new species and explored strange new worlds. Each new planet brings new discoveries and new dangers: none more so than the curious planet half of which is inhabited by the Fazi, with their highly regulated culture in which strict protocols govern everything from their conversation to the design of their buildings. After a disastrous first contact with the Fazi, Archer must depend on the diplomatic skills of Vulcan science officer T’Pol and the linguistic talents of communications officer Ensign Hoshi Sato to help him mend relations with the people of this planet and unravel the mystery of the other beings with which they share their world.
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Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
ISBN-10: 0743448715
ISBN-13: 978-0743448710
Length: 272
Published On: 2001-01-02