Star Trek in Italy

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ISBN-10: 88-86991-06-1
Length: 112
Published On: 1997-06-21

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Extremely rich in large format illustrations, the book covers all Star Trek series from birth with the first pilot The Cage up to the last Voyager series, exploring for each setting and characters with particular attention especially for stage objects (tricorder , Phaser, communicators) used in each series, which are provided with detailed photos and descriptions, and which are precisely admissible within the exhibition. The revision of the various Star Trek worlds is also an opportunity to recreate some of the most famous aliens: we can see Klingon, Cardassians, Nausicaans, for example in photos taken during makeup sessions before shooting.

The volume, written in both languages ​​(Italian and English), is therefore a “photographic” of all that has been and is still Star Trek, illustrating in simple and insightful series the series without pretending to justify its success or To look for sociological implications: a work especially to look at and collect, especially for those who did not have the opportunity to visit the exhibition.

Il catalogo percorre la storia della celebre serie televisiva – dovuta all’inventiva di Gene Roddenberry – dalla serie ”classica” del 1966 fino alla più recente serie “Voyager”, inaugurata nel 1995.

Grazie all’ampio corredo di immagini e ai testi di Daniela Gross e Fabio Pagan, il lettore può entrare un po’ “sul set” per comprendere i cambiamenti verificatasi nella concezione d’insieme, nei personaggi, nell’ambientazione.

Un capitolo a parte è dedicato ai film, e riproduce i cartelloni di Star Trek: il Film (1979), Star Trek II: l’ira di Khan (1982), Star Trek III: alla ricerca di Spock (1984), Star Trek IV: ritorno a casa (1986), Star Trek V: l’ultima frontiera (1988), Star Trek VI: Rotta verso l’ignoto (1991), Star Trek: Generazioni (1994) e First contact (1997).

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