Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Self Published
ISBN-13: 979-8498760865
Length: 177
Published On: 2021-10-17
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All you ever wanted to know about how Britain views America (but were afraid to ask)
Professor Lyndon N. Smith’s first book Why You Can’t Catch a Rocket to Mars was a light-hearted foray into the future, which went to #1 bestseller in all the Amazon categories it was listed under and received almost exclusively 5-star reviews. Now, having given us a whirlwind tour of science and technology, in this new book he focuses his attention squarely on the New World. Star Trek Nation: An Englishman’s view of America is a desultory and humorous telling-off of Americans that will be engrossing for you if you experienced, or have interest in, the TV, music, and/or atmosphere of the 1960s and 70s. The model the Professor uses for understanding Yanks is Star Trek and the lens through which he views them is Sherlock Holmes’ magnifying glass. So, if you have any interest in these legends of Anglo-American popular culture, you must read this book to fully appreciate how the reserved folks in the Old Country view the loud dudes one finds stateside, and vice versa. To cut a long story short, the Prof’s conclusion is that we in Olde England love you and we need you! (As I’m sure Ozzy Osbourne once said.) Even so, like most Brits, the Professor is not shy of tackling such important questions as: why do Yanks drive on the right (i.e. wrong) side of the road, what have they got against (hot) tea, and when are they going to get smart (as Trump would say), and adopt The Queen as their head of state? To get the answers, read on…
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