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A six-month distance from the Federation, the planet Belle Terre offers a new life to more than 30,000 families, pioneers, scientists, expatriates, go-getters, loners, and entrepreneurs, all under the watchful eye of Captain Kirk and his crew. But the would-be colonists have barely settled in the untamed wilderness of their new home when Spock makes a startling discovery: not only does the planet’s moons contain a rare ore of almost inestimable value, that same moon is also violently unstable. Within months, it will inevitably explode — destroying all life on Belle Terre!
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Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
On The Cover: ISBN-10: 0671042971
ISBN-13: 978-0671042974
Length: 288
Published On: 2000-06-02