Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers 60: The Cleanup

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ISBN-10: 1416520449
ISBN-13: 978-1416520443
Length: 160
Published On: 2006-01-01

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STARFLEET CORPS OF ENGINEERSDuring the Dominion War, the Miradorn — ninety percent of whom are telepathically linked twins — allied themselves with the Dominion. Now, in the wake of the Alpha Quadrant’s victory in that war, the Miradorn are eager to improve their relationship with the Federation — especially in light of the numerous dangerous devices the Dominion left behind.

One of them has killed a Miradorn scientist named Or-Lin. Now, the S.C.E. team on the U.S.S. da Vinci must deactivate the rest of the devices before they become responsible for wiping out the entire Miradorn species — but the only one who can help them is Or-Lin’s twin, Em-Lin, who is still devastated by the death of her sister….

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