Star Trek: The Classic UK Comics Volume 2

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Diamond Distributing Code: SEP160448
ISBN-10: 1631407767
ISBN-13: 978-1631407765
Length: 240
Published On: 2017-01-10
MSRP: 49.99 USD

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This second volume fills in another major gap in Star Trek lore, courtesy of these never-before reprinted comics that originally appeared in weekly British magazines in the early 1970s. There’s much to love about these wonky, way-out writings and their atypical artwork. These oft-forgotten Star Trek tales represent a different era. They’re lost gems with many facets and a unique perspective, an eccentric corner of Star Trek history unlike any other. These are the U.K. voyages of the Starship Enterprise―and, now, at last, fans everywhere can experience them.

As a special bonus, Rich Handley provides the first half of a detailed encyclopedia of all things Star Trek from these British comics. Exploring the minutiae is half the fun of enjoying a franchise, and when it comes to Trek, there’s no end of trivia to devour!

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