Star Trek: The Lost Years

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ISBN-10: 1556981597
ISBN-13: 978-1556981593
Length: 162
Published On: 1987-01-01

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Star Trek has the largest fan following of any television show ever created. There are dozens of books covering every aspect of the history of the television series and the movies. Except for one time period – the lost years between the time the television series left the air and the day the first movie arrived in the theaters.

No book has ever detailed the incredible story of the second coming of Star Trek, the major attempt to revive the television series in the late ’70s. Although new characters were created, an entire cast was signed, a creative crew was hired and scripts were written, not one episode was ever filmed. Just before shooting commenced, the decision was made to go with a feature film instead.

The story of this Star Trek that never was is one of creativity and backstabbing, heroism and tragedy…careful planning and last minute changes. The behind the scenes story was as exciting as any adventure ever filmed.

Author Edward Gross talked to all of the key players, from the story editor to the man that would have replaced Spock; he sorted through pules of production notes to learn the whole story. He presents the exciting events in a very readable fashion and includes an analysis of the scripts and outlines that would have sent the Starship Enterprise and her new crew on a whole new five year mission.

These are the adventures that could have happened if the feature films hadn’t appeared instead. This is the lost chapter of Star Trek history, the complete tale of the lost years.

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