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Format: Magazine
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
Format: Magazine
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
ISBN-10: n/a
ISBN-13: n/a
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U.S.S. Arcos Ship was a light freighter ship that served in the 24th century. This Federation Antares class freighter was destroyed by a warp-core breach over Turkana IV after suffering engine failure and taking emergency orbit around this colonized planet. Enterprise captures its distress call but arrives too late to save the crew, although saving two crew member who escaped with the landing pod.
This U.S.S. Arcos Ship has been painstakingly recreated in die-cast and high-quality ABS materials then handpainted with an incredible level of detail using the CGI model of the ship from Star Trek: The Next Generation. It has a simple functional design with cargo pods situated in the middle of the ship.