Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection Bonus #9 Klingon Bird-of-Prey (Landed)

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The sight of the Klingon Bird-of-Prey coming into land was terrible news for many a culture fearing conquest by the Klingon Empire. This Klingon Bird-of-Prey(Landed) resembled a large predatory bird and has appeared in five movies and 43 TV episodes. The original Klingon Bird-of-Prey is the most recognizable non-Starfleet vessel in all of STAR TREK. The model has been painstakingly recreated in die-cast and high-quality ABS materials then hand painted with an incredible level of detail.

The 20-page magazine investigates the origination of this now familiar Klingon vessel and looks at life and death on Genesis, though the bird-of-prey never lands on Genesis in STAR TREK III, Kruge and his men do beam down to the planet.

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