Format: Magazine
Language: English
Published by: EagleMoss Collections
Published On: 2017-10-19
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The Type-11 shuttlecraft was a type of Federation shuttlecraft that had been introduced into Starfleet service by the mid-2370s decade.
This type of shuttlecraft had two engine nacelles attached to the ventral sides of the main body of the shuttlecraft. The cockpit had one large forward facing window and two smaller windows on each side of the craft.
This shuttle type was also equipped with dorsal docking clamps and an airlock. The shuttle came armed with phaser arrays. Shuttles were also able to fire tachyon bursts from the rear of the craft.
The designation type for this shuttlecraft was not given in the film; however, some background sources use the term “Type-11 shuttlecraft”. One of these sources was the production illustrator John Eaves. [1]
The Galileo type shuttlecraft from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier was originally tapped to be modified to portray this class, but the physical model was too far gone. Instead a CGI model was created and the shuttle’s interior of the shuttle was a modification of the Danube-class set used primarily on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. (Star Trek: Action!, p. 234-235)