Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection XL #17 Deep Space 9

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On The Cover: Published On: 2019-12-11

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One of the most famous space stations in the history of Star Trek, Deep Space Nine station now comes in XL-size as a part of our Star Trek Official Starship Collection!

This XL Edition recreates Deep Space Nine station that is originally over a kilometer in diameter and is composed of a broad outer docking ring, an inner habitat ring and a central core containing the power core, the Promenade and the Ops. Three sets of docking pylons sweep up and down around the docking ring, defining an almost spherical shape of the station.

The accompanying magazine takes a look at the station’s fictional history, explores how the design evolved from an ancient Bajoran structure that looked like an oil derrick into the familiar Cardassian station and discusses the practicalities of filming with one of the largest models that Star Trek ever used on TV.

Are you ready to take a trip to the Bajoran system and visit it’s main outpost?

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