Format: Book: Digital
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
ISBN-13: 978-0743445931
Length: 270
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Beam aboard for a bold new era in “Star Trek” storytelling! Beginning with this thrilling all new trilogy, the original five-year mission of the “Starship Enterprise(TM) ” is reimagined via the many valiant crew members who served under legendary command if Capt. James T. Kirk. Who are these exceptional men and women often asked to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of interstellar peace and exploration? What are their stories? Their saga begins in “THE JANUS GATE” book one of three PRESENT TENSE The crew of the “U.S.S. Enterprise(TM) ” is exploring the seemingly peaceful and uninhabited world of M-3107 when a bizarre and inexplicable transporter accident causes both Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy to vanish completely. Transporter records suggest that the two men were transported “somewhere,” but their ultimate destination remains a mystery. Now in command of the “Enterprise,” Spock dispatches a search-and -rescue team — consisting of Security Chief Giotto, Transporter Technician John Kyle, and Chief Helmsman Hikaru Sulu — on an urgent mission to recover the missing officers. But then the rescue team disappears as well!
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Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Pocket Books
On The Cover: ISBN-10: 0671036351
ISBN-13: 978-0671036355
Length: 272
Published On: 2002-05-21