Star Trek: World Without End

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ISBN-10: 0553125834
ISBN-13: 978-0553125832
Length: 160
Published On: 1979-05-25

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Captain’s Log, Stardate 7505.6

This is being recorded by Science Officer Spock, temporarily in command.

The Enterprise is currently in orbit around an alien ‘Starship’ (actually an artificial planetoid approximately 217.352 kilometers in diameter) of unknown origin, aboard which Captain Kirk and a landing party of four are stranded. They are currently detained in a prison cell, awaiting interrogation.

Far more immediate is the condition of the Enteprise. The ship has been ‘snared’ by wires apparently composed of the same alien craft (a substance harder than any known to Federation science) — wires which are draining off our power reserves at an alarming rate. We appear to have the choice of remaining on board the Enterprise (and crashing to the surface on the planetoid once our power is gone), or joining the Captain inside the alien spacecraft. A fascinating dilemma.

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