Star Wreck II: The Attack of the Jargonites

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ISBN-10: 0312927371
ISBN-13: 978-0312927370
Length: 245
Published On: 1992-10-01

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Ship’s log, star wreck date 555-1212…

Fresh off their spectacular victory over the dreaded Cellulites, Captain Jean-Lucy Ricardo and Captain James T. Smirk — along with their plucky crews aboard the U.S.S. Endocrine — are looking forward to a little r-and-r. Captain Ricardo wouldn’t mind a quiet book and a cup of Earl Grape tea. And Captain Smirk? He’s on the verge of marrying Counselor “Dee” Troit — and ending his reign as the galaxy’s most eligible bachelor.

Suddenly, without even a commercial interruption, the original Endocrine pops out of a wormhole — and before you can say “He’s dead, Jim” for the thousandth time, Smirk, Mr. Smock, Zulu, and the other golden oldies are back aboard it, bringing all their futon torpedoes up to snuff. Then a desperate Starfreak contacts Captain Ricardo with the news that the dreaded alien Jargonites are poised to invade Earth.

It’s up to both Endocrines (as you might have guessed) to defeat the Jargonites — even if it means messing up Smirk’s wedding plans in the process!

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