Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: ROC
ISBN-10: 0451153251
ISBN-13: 978-0451153258
Length: 204
Published On: 1988-05-03
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Pon Farr and the search for identity
The initiation of Spock
Stalking the wild Star Trek collectible
The once and future starship
From a complete run-down of the entire crew of the Enterprise, to a journalistic look at the hottest headlines of the future, to a different perspective on Spock and his Vulcan/human heritage, this latest collection reveals whole new dimensions of the Star Trek universe. From the first TV episodes to the latest novels and movies, here are yet more fascinating facts and debates about the characters, the episodes, the pluses and paradoxes — about everything that makes Star Trek the special experience that it is.