Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: ROC
ISBN-10: 0451450477
ISBN-13: 978-0451450470
Length: 208
Published On: 1991-03-01
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Walking the deck of the real Enterprise
Falling out of standard orbit
All Vulcan in one tightly wrapped package
Ask not what your Federation can do for you…
Star Trek, the original TV show, the motion pictures, the new series — for over two decades the ideas, dreams, and imaginative vision of this media phenomenon have captured an ever-growing audience of all ages and backgrounds. Each volume in this ongoing series created by and for Star Trek fans by Walter Irwin, G.B. Love, and their fellow enthusiasts, has continued to uncover fascinating new facets of the constantly expanding Trek universe. This lates collection returns to these irresistible realms where, with the aid of the experts, you’ll learn more about the inner workings of Star Trek: The Next Generation… investigate some intriguing leads on Data’s true origins and purpose… find out what really makes the Enterprise fly… and have a front row view of all your favorite stars, episodes, and films in — The Best of Trek 16