Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: ROC
ISBN-10: 0451454634
ISBN-13: 978-0451454638
Length: 224
Published On: 1996-02-01
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A history of Spock’s problem
A Star Trek how-to
Why do I love the Klingons?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Dr. Beverly Crusher
From a three-season-long, low-budget TV series in the late ’60s, Star Trek has expanded into a world- and culture-spanning phenomenon that includes feature films, animated cartoons, video games, novels, magazines, three other incredibly successful TV series, and huge conventions. And through the years, Walter Irwin, G.B. Love, and their fellow Star Trek fans have watched it all and explored this ever-expanding, endlessly fascinating universe in provocative articles that perfectly capture the true spirit of Star Trek.
The Best of Trek #18 more than lives up to this fine tradition, offering brand-new articles on everything from a one-on-one interview with Robin Curtis about her role as Saavik, to a show-by-show rating of The Next Generation, and a resolution to the long-standing debate about whether Data is merely a Spock clone. No matter what your favorite topics, characters, or episodes, you’re certain to find out something new about them in — The Best of Trek #18