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Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: ROC
ISBN-10: 0451161785
ISBN-13: 978-0451129772
Length: 208
Published On: 1984-06-05
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Answer your beeper, you dreamer!
The truth about tribbles
Why Spock ran amok
Secrets of Star Trek
From how to survive in a world of non-Trekkers, to an analysis of the Vulcan language, to Star Trek jokes that will make you head straight for the transporter room, here is another exciting voyage to the many worlds of Trek. You’ll meet your favorite characters, relive treasured moments from stories, TV shows, and movies, and discover what all your fellow Trekkers are saying and thinking about the ever-changing Star Trek scene, as you delve into this space- and time-spanning new collection of articles from Trek magazine.