Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: ROC
ISBN-10: 0451138163
ISBN-13: 978-0451138163
Length: 208
Published On: 1985-09-03
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Mythology and the Bible in Star Trek
Star Trek fans — the blind spot
An update on Star Trek comics
Spock, McCoy, and the man in the mirror
From an in-depth look at how fanzines get started — and how to write for them — to an inquiry into what Spock might learn on a psychoanalyst’s couch, to a complete new update of all the Star Trek comics ever published, here is a thrilling panorama of the galaxies of Trek. You’ll enter the inner worlds of all your favorite characters and explore the endless possibilities of movies, TV, and the phenomenon that is Star Trek in this sometimes controversial and always fascinating new collection of articles from Trek magazine.