Format: Book: Paperback
Language: English
Published by: Citadel
ISBN-10: 0806519193
ISBN-13: 978-0806519197
Length: 217
Published On: 1997-10-01
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When your significant other is happily sitting through the third Star Trek rerun of the evening, do you sometimes feel lost in space? Here, in a funny and easy-to-read format, is everything a Star Trek novice needs to know to keep up with a diehard Trekker. For instance, did you know that
– All life on Earth was “seeded” billions of years ago by an intelligent race of beings that looked like us but had no hair.
– Methuselah, Solomon, Lazarus, Alexander the Great, and Brahms were all the same person.
– Amelia Earhart disappeared when she was abducted by aliens and is now cryogenically frozen on a distant planet.
– The late-twentieth-century advances in personal computing were not supposed to happen. A computer nerd found a spacecraft from the twenty-ninth century and used it to invent advanced computer chips and make billions of dollars. (Sound familiar?)
You’ll also find a concise history of the series and movies, a glossary of Trek terms, and quizzes to test your knowledge of the answers to burning questions such as, What the hell is “warp speed,” anyway? Why do they all have weird foreheads? and Must we have a full-size poster of Worf in the bedroom?
Full of fun, but informative, too, this book will delight new fans, reluctant mates, and confirmed Trekkers alike.
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