The Man Who Created Star Trek: Gene Roddenberry

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Gene Roddenberry was both a man and a creative genius, a good friend and an often hardheaded opponent. He knew what he wanted and pursued his vision with almost ruthless single-mindedness. He made friends and enemies, always with large gestures. Even those whose careers he made viewed him with mixed feelings; those who he fought still respect him.

This is the story of an almost larger-than-life man who created one of America’s and the world’s enduring myths, Star Trek, from the birth of the vision through development and up to the voyages of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Years in Hollywood as a police officer and writing experiences on The Lieutenant and Have Gun Will Travel helped form the man and the way in which he worked. Struggles and early cancellation of Star Trek affected him. Later failures of his most cherished projects Police Story, Genesis II, The Questor Tapes, Planet Earth, Spectre and Tarzan changed him once again. But final redemption came with the rebirth of Star Trek on the movie screen and proving lightning can strike twice by creating The Next Generation.

The Man Who Created Star Trek reveals Roddenberry’s career as never before, in both its triumphs and failures. More importantly, it tells the story of the man behind the public figure.

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