The Trek Universal Index

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On The Cover: ISBN-10: 185283398X
ISBN-13: 978-1852833985
Length: 120
Published On: 1994-03-31

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In the course of its 30-year history, Trek has continued to expand and develop its unique universe, offering its fans a wide variety of alien creatures, bizarre worlds, and future technology as featured in the classic series, six feature films, The Next Generation and, now, Deep Space.

The Trek Universal Index, written by Thomas Maxwell, is the first-ever guide to the various alien races and the worlds which they inhabit, weaponry spanning one edge of the final frontier to the other, the numerous vessels which have filled the galaxy, from the Enterprise to the S.S. Botany Bay; space stations establishing the interstellar presence of the Federation; and the numerous characters who have brought Trek in all its incarnations to life.

This is the ultimate Trek reference book.