These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970’s; 1970-1975

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Published On: 2019-02-01

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These Are the Voyages: Gene Roddenberry and Star Trek in the 1970s, Volume 1 (1970-75), in hardback, and 768 pages in length, with hundreds of pictures, is the first in a two-book set chronicling the period in Star Trek history spanning the cancellation of the original series and continuing through the making and release of 1979’s Star Trek  The Motion Picture. In between these two events, Star Trek became a worldwide phenomenon. Factors in this renaissance were a boom in syndication, the coming of the conventions and fanzines, and an unparalleled expansion in merchandising. As the number of fans multiplied in massive proportions, and the reruns of the ‘Classic 79’ episodes topped the ratings for their time slots in cities across America and around the world, curious developments were taking place behind the scenes.Volume 1 opens with a foreword by the legendary D.C. Fontana (Star Trek writer extraordinaire, Original Series story editor, and Animated Series associate producer). It focuses on the first half of the decade, including Roddenberry projects Pretty Maids All in a Row, Genesis II, The Questor Tapes, Planet Earth, Strange New World, Star Trek: The Animated Series, and much more.

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