Format: Book: Hardcover
Language: English
Published by: Jacobs Brown Press
ISBN-10: 0989238113
ISBN-13: 978-0989238113
Length: 600
Published On: 2013-08-01
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Author, Marc Cushman, had the great honor of befriending both Gene Roddenberry and Robert H. Justman. As a result of that friendship, Marc was given access to all the Star Trek production documents from the three years the series ran, which are currently housed in the UCLA Archives under a bequest by Roddenberry and Justman. These documents are private and viewing is restricted and supervised. This work is derived from eight months spent researching the details of the production. These books reveal, for the first time, the truth behind all the politics and behind-the-scene machinations of the productions. Rod Roddenberry, said: “This is going to be the bible to STAR TREK and how it was made. This is a book that I’m going to keep near and dear and utilize throughout my life.” These are the Voyages, TOS, Season One contains hundreds of previously unpublished insights and recollections from actors, directors, producers, and production crew, capturing what went on from every perspective, including memos dictated by Roddenberry while reading drafts to the series scripts. The book offers a unique look behind-the-scenes in the form of original staff memos, contracts, schedules, budgets, network correspondence, and the censor reports from NBC. These are the Voyages creates the opportunity for readers to transport themselves back in space and time to witness the true history of Season One of Star Trek: TOS. Go behind the closed doors of NBC, Desilu/Paramount, the producers’ offices, the writers’ room, the sound stages and shooting locations, and learn the actual facts behind all the blood, sweat, tears, politics, and spellbinding creativity that brought Star Trek into being…and changed the Sci Fi world. This book looks behind the scenes in the form of original staff memos — including Gene Roddenberry’s own memos, contracts, schedules, budgets, network correspondence, censor reports and other newly-uncovered documentation.