To Boldly Stay: Essays on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

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ISBN-10: 1476685401
ISBN-13: 978-1476685403
Length: 180
Published On: 2022-04-29
MSRP: 49.95

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Despite the fact that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ended over twenty-five years ago, there has yet to be a stand-alone assessment of the series. This collection corrects that omission, examining what made Deep Space Nine so unique within the Star Trek universe, and how that uniqueness paved the way for an altogether new, entirely different vision for Star Trek. If the Star Trek slogan has always been “to boldly go where no one has gone before,” then Deep Space Nine helped to bring in a new renaissance of serialized television that has become normal practice. Furthermore, Deep Space Nine ushered in critical discussions on race, gender, and faith for the franchise, science fiction television and American lives. It relished in a vast cast of supporting characters that allowed for the investigation of psychosocial relationships–from familial issues to interpersonal and interspecies conflict to regional strife–that the previous Star Trek series largely overlooked. Essays explore how Deep Space Nine became the most richly complicated “sci-fi” series in the entire Star Trek pantheon.

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