Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant #25“, by Christopher Cantwell. Nymira Vondect is back from the dead, having survived the cataclysmic explosion on Starbase 99 with help from the universe’s seediest rogue, Berlinghoff Rasmussen. Now she and Berlinghoff are running elaborate scams together to take advantage of unsuspecting Berbians and make a quick buck. But something […]
Book Release Day
Out Today: “Late Star Trek: The Final Frontier in the Franchise Era”
Out today: “Late Star Trek: The Final Frontier in the Franchise Era“, by Adam Kotsko. How Star Trek’s twenty-first-century reinventions illuminate the unique challenges and opportunities of franchise-style corporate storytelling Late Star Trek explores the beloved science fiction franchise’s repeated attempts to reinvent itself after the end of its 1990s golden age. Beginning with the […]
Out Today: “Star Trek #30”
Out today: “Star Trek #30“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing. After the Day of Blood, Kahless II is a defeated, broken man who has but one path left: face himself. Thrown backward in time by the Time Crystals of Boreth, Kahless witnesses his own cruelty, hubris, and thirst for messianic power. When he comes […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks #5”
Out today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks #5“, by Ryan North. Suspicious after the Cerritos docks for its second baryon sweep in the same year, Mariner sneaks into a command meeting. There, the Department of Temporal Investigations tasks the crew with finding a time traveler who is rewriting Federation history at an alarming rate. Mariner finds […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Defiant #24”
Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant #24“, by Christopher Cantwell. Alexander has but one errand left on his Quv Rite: the Errand of Vengeance. In it, he must find the orchestrator of his dishonor, Kahless II… and kill him. But is a swift death the vengeance Alexander seeks? And is it the end his manipulator deserves? […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Section 31 #1”
Out today: “Star Trek: Section 31 #1“, by Alyssa Wong. From the pen of Alyssa Wong (Spirit World, Doctor Aphra) and the brush of Megan Levens (Star Trek) comes the exciting single-issue spin-off of the forthcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie! The issue features Emperor Philippa Georgiou on a brand-new, raucous, and exhilarating adventure. Buy […]
Out Today: “Star Trek #29”
Out today: “Star Trek #29“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing. Sisko is stuck outside space-time on Bajor. He does not know if his crew and his family are alive or if his universe even exists beyond this plane. All Sisko knows is that he must stop Lore before everyone and everything he loves is […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks #4”
Out today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks #4“, by Ryan North. Rutherford to bridge. We’re not dead! However, after escaping a vacuum collapse of the Alecto system, the U.S.S. Cerritos is lost inside a new space-time that’s expanding away from us in every direction at the speed of light. To make matters worse, an alien intelligence […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Defiant #23”
Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant #23“, by . Alexander’s cha’DIch Worf has tasked him with a near-impossible task for his Errand of Valor: rescue the workers rebelling against a deuterium mega-power, Archanis Inter-Corporate. He must fight selflessly in the name of the helpless… even if it costs him his life. If that weren’t enough of […]
Out Today: “Star Trek #28”
Out today: “Star Trek #28“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing. Lore has destroyed the multiverse, and its fate now lies in Benjamin Sisko’s hands. But after the U.S.S. Theseus slingshots into the Celestial Temple, Sisko finds himself without his crew…or any technology…on a Bronze-age Bajor. The ancient Bajorans don’t know what to make of […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks (2024) #3”
Out today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks #3“, by Ryan North. The crew of the USS Cerritos have just received their personality guidance reports from the counselors of the planet Clarew, and Rutherford feels guilty he’s not engineering at a higher capacity with his implants. He should be operating above 134 percent nominal at least. The […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Defiant #22”
Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant #22“, by Christopher Cantwell. B’Elanna Torres is in the captain’s chair of the Defiant, and she has a choice to make: return home and report for duty as the mother Miral needs or continue saving the universe with her crew. With her disavowed status from Starfleet command and all that […]
Out Today: “Star Trek #27”
Out today: “Star Trek #27“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing. Lore’s destruction has consumed everything in the universe except the U.S.S. Theseus and the Celestial Temple. In one last maneuver, the crew uses every ounce of power left in their main systems to shoot their ship across the galaxy to the temple. While their […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks (2024) #2”
Out today: “Star Trek: Lower Decks #2“, by Ryan North. Mariner, T’Lyn, Rutherford, and Tendi have beamed off the mysterious U.S.S. Bonaventure and onto an equally mysterious surface of an unknown world, significantly raising the statistical likelihood of death and injury! Finally, the crew is up to their necks in adventure. There’s the senior staff’s […]
Out Today: “Star Trek Explorer: A Year to the Day That I Saw Myself Die and Other Stories”
Out today: “Star Trek Explorer: A Year to the Day That I Saw Myself Die and Other Stories“, by Chris Dows and Chris McAuley and David Mack and Greg Cox and Jake Black and Keith R.A. DeCandido and Michael Dismuke and Mike Collins and Peter Holmstrom and Rich Handley and Una McCormack and Walter Koenig. […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 3: Hell Is Only A Word”
Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant, Vol. 3: Hell Is Only A Word“, by Christopher Cantwell. Connecting with the voyages of the ongoing Star Trek comic series, Vol. 3 ventures into the sci-fi horror genre in the third arc! Eager to move past the unofficial bounty-hunting mission assigned to them by Starfleet, disgraced former ambassador and […]
Out Today: “Star Trek Explorer #14”
Out today: “Star Trek Explorer #14“, by . It’s the final issue, but we’re going out with a bang! GOD AND SUPERBEINGS – Delving into the worlds of Star Trek’s most powerful species! EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS – With John de Lancie, Denise Crosby, and the one and only William Shatner! STAR TREK EXPLORER TAKES A BOW […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Defiant #21”
Out today: “Star Trek: Defiant #21“, by Christopher Cantwell. Spock and Sela are trapped in the belly of the Romulan warbird Taredrix and General Revo’s coup. The three of them are the only living souls who know of the impending Romulan supernova. With Revo offering Sela the choice between death or a seat at the […]
Out Today: “Star Trek #26”
Out today: “Star Trek #26“, by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing. In its escape from the Delta Quadrant, the U.S.S. Theseus has landed in an unknown sector of space that appears safer-if not a hundred years younger-than their own. There, the crew receive a signal from an oncoming ship: the U.S.S. Enterprise.Captain James T. Kirk […]
Out Today: “Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek TPB”
Out today: “Star Trek: Sons of Star Trek TPB“, by Morgan Hampton. In the aftermath of Kahless’ harrowing Day of Blood, Jake Sisko struggles to find his place in the universe now that his family has been reunited and his father, Benjamin Sisko, has once again saved the Galaxy. Meanwhile, Nog faces the challenges of […]